A Satisfactory Life Poster.jpg

"A Satisfactory Life"

"A Satisfactory Life" was written and shot in a 48 hour period.  The actors, Tommy Vita, and Rebecca Barras were flying from New Orleans to Baltimore for an outdoor shoot when the weather took a turn for the worse.  Anticipating a full weekend of rain, a new script was written the day before the shoot.  After some mad dashes to the thrift store and brief rehearsals, this film was shot in one long day.

Before writing, I had been watching some episodes of The Honeymooners, and for this I was using some of the motifs of the show to set up expectations, and then worked against those expectations for comedy and to reveal character.

Sometimes in a relationship there needs to be a fight before a couple can be honest with each other. In this short film, Frank and Serafina have that type of relationship.


Written and Directed By

Miceal Og O'Donnell

Director of Photography

Eileen O'Donnell

Edited By

Mike Ryan


Tommy Vita

Rebecca Barras

