Interview with Ryan McGlade

I saw Ryan’s film “Human Resources” on Film Shortage as I was searching for filmmakers to participate in the 2018 Charm City Fringe Short Film Program. His film was both engaging and bizarre. I contacted Ryan around the time he was finishing up post production on his short film, “Bennifer,” which is one of my favorite shorts films. “Bennifer” is about Jed, played by Keith Poulson, who visits his mother on an island after a long absence, where they both have conflicting memories of their shared past. The moments in this short are big, almost out of a kid’s story, but beautifully hidden under brilliant performances, especially from Kristin Griffith(who played Flynn across from Diane Keaton in Woody Allen’s Interiors,) as she seems to struggle with a loose grip on reality, and delusions of becoming a star. The role of Bennifer is played by Keith McDermott. (McDermort played the lead, Alan Stang, across from Richard Burton on Broadway’s Equus. ) Bennifer reenforces Anne’s (Kristin’s character) version of her past with her son., as he pushes the son away in a brilliantly absurd sequence.

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